Understanding Latent Dirichlet Allocation (3) Variational EM
Now that we know the structure of the model, it is time to fit the model parameters with real data. Among the possible inference methods, in this article I would like to explain the variational expectation-maximization algorithm.
This article is the third part of the series “Understanding Latent Dirichlet Allocation”.
Variational inference
Variational inference (VI) is a method to approximate complicated distributions with a family of simpler surrogate distributions. In order to compute posterior distribution of latent variables given a document $\mathbf{w}_d$
\[p(\theta_d,\mathbf{z}_d|\mathbf{w_d},\alpha,\beta) = \frac{p(\theta_d, \mathbf{z}_d, \mathbf{w_d}|\alpha,\beta)}{p(\mathbf{w_d}|\alpha,\beta)},\]it is necessary to compute the denominator
\[p(\mathbf{w_d}|\alpha,\beta) = \frac{\Gamma(\sum_i \alpha_i)}{\prod_i \Gamma(\alpha_i)} \int \left( \prod_{i=1}^k \theta_{di}^{\alpha_i-1} \right) \left( \prod_{n=1}^{N}\prod_{i=1}^k\prod_{j=1}^V (\theta_{di} \beta_{ij})^{w_{dn}^j} \right) d\theta.\]However, it is intractable due to the coupling of $\theta$ and $\beta$ at the inner most parenthesis. Because of this, we utilize VI and Jensen’s inequality to achieve lower bound of the log likelihood $\log p(\mathbf{w}|\alpha,\beta)$ for parameter estimation of LDA.
To be specific, we let the variational distribution $q$ to be parametrized by the variational parameters $\gamma=\gamma(\mathbf{w})$ and $\phi=\phi(\mathbf{w})$, each works similarly to $\alpha$ and $\beta$ of the true distribution, respectively. We set the variational distribution
\[q(\theta_d, \mathbf{z}_d|\gamma(\mathbf{w}_d),\phi(\mathbf{w}_d)) = q(\theta_d|\gamma(\mathbf{w}_d)) \prod_{n=1}^{N_d} q(z_{dn}|\phi_n(\mathbf{w}_d))\]where
\[\theta_d \sim \mathcal{D}_k(\gamma(\mathbf{w}_d)), \\ z_{dn} \sim \mathcal{M}_k(\phi(\mathbf{w}_d)).\]Graphical representation of the surrogate is depicted in the figure 5 of Blei et al. (2003).
Variational EM
Expectation maximization is a special case of minorization-maximization (MM) algorithm. I would like to use terminology from MM since it is more intuitive to explain the variational EM. To maximize a target likelihood function $f(x)$, EM algorithm works in the following way:
- Set a family of simpler surrogate functions $\mathcal{G}$.
- Repeat until convergence:
- (E-step) Minorize $f$ at $x^{(t)}$ with $g^{(t+1)}\in\mathcal{G}$.
- (M-step) Update $x^{(t+1)}=\arg\max g^{(t+1)}(x).$
Variational EM follows the framework of expectation-maximization, while uses variational inference to minorize the target function at the E-step. By Jensen’s inequality, we get the lower bound on the log likelihood with respect to the variational distribution defined above:
\[\begin{aligned} \log p(\mathbf{w}|\alpha,\beta) \ge \text{E}_q\log p(\theta,\mathbf{z},\mathbf{w}|\alpha,\beta) - \text{E}_q\log q(\theta,\mathbf{z}) =: L(\gamma,\phi|\alpha,\beta). \end{aligned}\]Then variational EM algorithm for solving LDA is as follows:
- Repeat until convergence:
- (E-step) Update $(\gamma^{(t+1)},\phi^{(t+1)}) = \arg\max_{(\gamma,\phi)} L(\gamma,\phi|\alpha^{(t)},\beta^{(t)})$.
- (M-step) Update $(\alpha^{(t+1)},\beta^{(t+1)}) = \arg\max_{(\alpha,\beta)} L(\gamma^{(t+1)},\phi^{(t+1)}|\alpha,\beta)$.
For $\beta$, $\phi$ and $\gamma$, closed form update formula can be easily derived by differentiating $L$, forming the Lagrangian and setting it to zero. I will leave this part for reading since it is a trivial, exhausting calculation well-described in appendix A.3 (Blei et al., 2003).
For $\alpha$, since $L$ has Hessian of the form $\text{diag}(h) + \mathbf{1}z\mathbf{1}’$, we use linear-time Newton-Raphson algorithm to update it.
To summarize, LDA solving variational EM algorithm repeats the following until the parameters converge.
- In the E-step, for $d=1,\cdots,M$,
- For $n=1,\cdots,N_d$ and $i=1,\cdots,k$,
- $\phi_{dni}^{(t+1)}=\beta_{iw_{dn}}\exp\left( \Psi(\gamma_{di}^{(t)}) - \Psi\big(\sum_{i=1}^k \gamma_{di}^{(t)}\big) \right)$.
- Normalize $\phi_{dn}^{(t+1)}$ to sum to $1$.
- $\gamma_d^{(t+1)}=\alpha^{(t)}+\sum_{n=1}^{N_d} \phi_{dn}^{(t+1)}$.
- For $n=1,\cdots,N_d$ and $i=1,\cdots,k$,
- In the M-step,
- $\beta_{ij}^{(t+1)} = \sum_{d=1}^M \sum_{n=1}^{N_d} \phi_{dni}^{(t+1)} \mathbf{w}_{dn}^j$.
- Update $\alpha^{(t+1)}$ with linear-time Newton method.
Here, $\Psi$ is the digamma function. I have yet clarified the update rule of linear-time Newton-Raphson algorithm. This is in appendix A.4.2 of Blei et al. (2003), which in its core is a mere block matrix inversion formula
\[(A+BCD)^{-1} = A^{-1} - A^{-1}B(C^{-1}+DA^{-1}B)^{-1}DA^{-1}.\]So I will replace the explanation to Python implementation (_update()
) below.
Python implementation from scratch
def E_step(docs, phi, gamma, alpha, beta):
Minorize the joint likelihood function via variational inference.
This is the E-step of variational EM algorithm for LDA.
# optimize phi
for m in range(M):
phi[m, :N[m], :] = (beta[:, docs[m]] * np.exp(
psi(gamma[m, :]) - psi(gamma[m, :].sum())
).reshape(-1, 1)).T
# Normalize phi
phi[m, :N[m]] /= phi[m, :N[m]].sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
if np.any(np.isnan(phi)):
raise ValueError("phi nan")
# optimize gamma
gamma = alpha + phi.sum(axis=1)
return phi, gamma
It is the exact translation of the update equation at the above.
def M_step(docs, phi, gamma, alpha, beta, M):
maximize the lower bound of the likelihood.
This is the M-step of variational EM algorithm for (smoothed) LDA.
update of alpha follows from appendix A.2 of Blei et al., 2003.
# update alpha
alpha = _update(alpha, gamma, M)
# update beta
for j in range(V):
beta[:, j] = np.array(
[_phi_dot_w(docs, phi, m, j) for m in range(M)]
beta /= beta.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
return alpha, beta
This is also the exact replication of the equations, but with some abstraction for readability.
is the implementation of linear-time Newton-Raphson algorithm.
import warnings
def _update(var, vi_var, const, max_iter=10000, tol=1e-6):
From appendix A.2 of Blei et al., 2003.
For hessian with shape `H = diag(h) + 1z1'`
To update alpha, input var=alpha and vi_var=gamma, const=M.
To update eta, input var=eta and vi_var=lambda, const=k.
for _ in range(max_iter):
# store old value
var0 = var.copy()
# g: gradient
psi_sum = psi(vi_var.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1, 1)
g = const * (psi(var.sum()) - psi(var)) \
+ (psi(vi_var) - psi_sum).sum(axis=0)
# H = diag(h) + 1z1'
## z: Hessian constant component
## h: Hessian diagonal component
z = const * polygamma(1, var.sum())
h = -const * polygamma(1, var)
c = (g / h).sum() / (1./z + (1./h).sum())
# update var
var -= (g - c) / h
# check convergence
err = np.sqrt(np.mean((var - var0) ** 2))
crit = err < tol
if crit:
warnings.warn(f"max_iter={max_iter} reached: values might not be optimal.")
return var
computes $\sum_{n=1}^{N_d} ϕ_{dni} w_{dn}^j$.
def _phi_dot_w(docs, phi, d, j):
\sum_{n=1}^{N_d} ϕ_{dni} w_{dn}^j
return (docs[d] == j) @ phi[d, :N[d], :]
I ran LDA inference on $M=2000$ documents of Reuters News title data with $k=10$ topics. Top 9 important words in each topic (a mixture of word distribution) extracted from fitted LDA is as follows:
TOPIC 00: ['ec' 'csr' 'loss' 'bank' 'icco' 'unit' 'cocoa' 'fob' 'petroleum']
TOPIC 01: ['raises' 'acquisition' 'prices' 'prime' 'rate' 'w' 'completes' 'mar', 'imports']
TOPIC 02: ['year' 'sets' 'sees' 'net' 'stock' 'dividend' 'l' 'industries' 'corp']
TOPIC 03: ['pct' 'cts' 'gdp' 'opec' 'shr' 'february' 'plc' 'ups' 'rose']
TOPIC 04: ['u' 'japan' 'fed' 'trade' 'gaf' 'ems' 'says' 'dlr' 'gnp']
TOPIC 05: ['usda' 'f' 'ag' 'international' 'sell' 'report' 'ge' 'corn' 'wheat']
TOPIC 06: ['k' 'market' 'money' 'rate' 'eep' 'treasury' 'prime' 'says' 'mln']
TOPIC 07: ['qtr' 'note' '4th' 'net' 'loss' 'ico' 'corp' '1st' 'group']
TOPIC 08: ['dlrs' 'mln' 'bp' 'march' 'corp' 'week' 'canada' 'e' 'bank']
TOPIC 09: ['unit' 'buy' 'says' 'sale' 'c' 'sells' 'completes' 'american' 'grain']
Topic-word distribution ($\beta$) and document-topic distribution ($\theta$) recovered from LDA is as follows. $i$-th column from the figure left represents probabilities of each words to be generated given the topic $z_i$ so it sums to 1. Similarly, $d$-th row from the figure right represents the $d$-th document($\mathbf{w}_d$)’s mixture weights on topics, so it also sums to 1.
Full code and result are available here (GitHub).
- Blei, Ng, Jordan. 2003. Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 3 (4–5): 993–1022.