Setting up M1 Mac for both TensorFlow and PyTorch

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Macs with ARM64-based M1 chip, launched shortly after Apple’s initial announcement of their plan to migrate to Apple Silicon, got quite a lot of attention both from consumers and developers. It became headlines especially because of its outstanding performance, not in the ARM64-territory, but in all PC industry.

As a student majoring in statistics with coding hobby, somewhere inbetween a consumer tech enthusiast and a programmer, I was one of the people who was dazzled by the benchmarks and early reviews emphasizing it. So after (almost) 7 years spent with my MBP (mid 2014), I decided to leave Intel and join M1.

This is the post written for myself, after running about in confutsion to set up the environment for machine learning on M1 mac. What I tried to achieve were

The result is not elegant for sure, but I am satisfied for now.

Install TensorFlow-macOS for Apple Silicon M1

It is easy to install it with the system python since the installation script is given by Apple. However, my goal was to install it with other python so that I can install additional packages for data science without difficulty.

I mainly followed instructions from here to install tensorflow-macos, and then created ipykernel of it so that I can run this environment any time by switching the kernel inside jupyter notebook.

  1. First install miniforge, which natively supports M1. The installation defaults to directory ~/miniforge3/.

  2. Create virtual environment named tf_macos with conda and install Python 3.8.
    conda create -n tf_macos
    conda activate tf_macos
    conda install -y python=3.8

    I specified the version 3.8 so that it matches requirement of tensorflow-macos.

  3. Download and install tensorflow-macos from Apple Github.
    git clone
    cd tensorflow_macos/arm64
    pip install --force pip==20.2.4 wheel setuptools cached-property six
    pip install --upgrade --no-dependencies --force numpy-1.18.5-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl grpcio-1.33.2-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl h5py-2.10.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl tensorflow_addons-0.11.2+mlcompute-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
    pip install absl-py astunparse flatbuffers gast google_pasta keras_preprocessing opt_einsum protobuf tensorflow_estimator termcolor typing_extensions wrapt wheel tensorboard typeguard
    pip install --upgrade --force --no-dependencies tensorflow_macos-0.1a1-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
  4. Add the environment as jupyter kernel.
    pip install jupyter
    python -m ipykernel install --name=tf_macos

    Then merely switching the ipython kernel to tf_macos allows us to use mlcompute-backend TensorFlow without a hassle.

  5. Install additional packages (optional)
    conda install scipy pandas matplotlib

Install PyTorch for x86_64 (Rosetta 2)

Miniforge installed when installing tensorflow-macos defaults to python for ARM64 architecture. PyTorch for Rosetta 2 emulation requires Python for x86_64. Although the system python supports both architectures, to avoid using it I chose to install another miniforge, this time built for x86_64.

Open Terminal with Rosetta 2 and follow the instruction below.

  1. Install miniforge for x86_64.
    # install miniforge x86_64 in another directory
    /bin/bash -p /Users/$(whoami)/miniforge_x86_64

    Be careful not to install it in the same directory as previously installed miniforge (ARM64).

  2. Create virtual environment.
    conda create --name=pytorch_x86
    conda activate pytorch_x86
    conda install -y python=3.8
  3. Install PyTorch and related packages.
    pip install torch torchvision

    and that’s it for the package installation.

  4. Install jupyter and add ipykernel.
    pip install jupyter
    python -m ipykernel install --name=pytorch_x86

    Finish the kernel setup by editing the associated json file: Replace the content of /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/pytorch_x86/kernel.json to

     "argv": [
     "display_name": "pytorch_x86",
     "language": "python"

    The prefixed arch -x86_64 is for Rosetta 2 emulation of the command.

  5. Revert miniforge back to ARM64 version (optional)
    Since my goal was to run the other programs natively as possible, I reverted miniforge back to M1 build.
    Just comment out the part of ~/.zshrc to be
    # >>> conda initialize >>>
    # # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
    # __conda_setup="$('/Users/$(whoami)/miniforge3_x86_64/bin/conda' 'shell.zsh' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
    # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    #     eval "$__conda_setup"
    # else
    #     if [ -f "/Users/$(whoami)/miniforge3_x86_64/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
    #         . "/Users/$(whoami)/miniforge3_x86_64/etc/profile.d/"
    #     else
    #         export PATH="/Users/$(whoami)/miniforge3_x86_64/bin:$PATH"
    #     fi
    # fi
    # unset __conda_setup
    # # <<< conda initialize <<<

    (or change the content of ~/.bash_profile similarly if you are using bash). Uncomment it whenever x86_64 version of miniforge is required.

  6. Finish setup by symbolically linking the environment directory so that ARM64 conda can detect and activate it.
    ln -s ~/miniforge3_x86_64/envs/pytorch_x86 ~/miniforge3/envs/
  7. Alias x86 versions of conda, pip and python so that you can manage packages without switching the entire environment to x86.
    echo 'alias condax86="arch -x86_64 /Users/PSH/miniforge3_x86_64/condabin/conda"' >> ~/.zshrc  # conda x86
    echo 'alias pipx86="arch -x86_64 /Users/PSH/miniforge3_x86_64/envs/pytorch_x86/bin/python -m pip"' >> ~/.zshrc  # pip in pytorch_x86
    echo 'alias pythonx86="arch -x86_64 /Users/PSH/miniforge3_x86_64/envs/pytorch_x86/bin/python"' >> ~/.zshrc  # python in pytorch_x86

Then all is well! If you want to work on TensorFlow (runs natively, utilizing full potential of M1), activate tf_macos or select the jupyter kernel in notebook or ipython. If you want x86_64 environment with bug-free PyTorch, do the similar but with pytorch_x86.

One thing to consider is that ARM conda can activate the pytorch_x86 environment2, but packages installed by ARM conda cannot be imported by x86 python. If you want to install packages, use condax86 install <pkg_name> to call x86 conda.

  1. The reason I gave up installing PyTorch running natively on M1 is because it had an error that made the input layer of a neural net detached from the rest of the architecture. Although building from the source and installation of the wheel was successful, I could not handle this bug which made it useless. 

  2. ARM conda cannot activate x86 environment or behave strangely if x86 env is activated inside (base) ARM environement. So be sure to deactivate all (including base) ARM environment before activating x86 one.